It goes farther still, and argues that even the facts we think we know are merely the product of the ideological world in which we have been raised.
But it goes farther, to argue that truth is relative, that there is more than one way to skin an empirical fact.

Parts of it are almost common core, such as Thomas Kuhn’s notion that science is nothing other than what scientists do, and that the notion of something called “truth” is an entity impossible to discover. I meet it in the occasional seminar and come across it in various papers and presentations. To use my own education as an example, I am not unaware of the forms of the postmodernism that surround us in the academic world. It opens up to those of us who are only vaguely aware of the ways in which the humanities are now taught, our own entry into the depths of a problem most of us are, at best, only dimly aware of. The book goes through the various manifestations of the modern Left to explain their idiocies and unravel the Newspeak in which they are encoded. It is to provide a way of escape to students who are caught up in various versions of a modern humanities course, where they are fed an endless mind-numbing postmodernist gruel.

There is no substitute anywhere that I know of. But if you are to understand where these ideas come from, and why they continue to persist, you must read this book. In describing it I will not be able to do it justice, since it provides a complex outline of the intellectual world that continues to promote the ideas of the Left, as inane and destructive as they are. If you sincerely wish to understand the times in which you live, there is no book like it. There has hardly been a more important book published over the past twelve months.

No one else will tell you this, so I will. You should read this book, Fools, Frauds and Firebrands.